woke up suddenly,so here some...


Assalamualaikum people !

and good night? (im about to sleep actually but i guess im having Insomnia,oopss. nahh,actually i telan nescafe tadi petang. so yeah, dia jadi tak ketahuan takleh nak tidok. haa gitewwww)

so uhm,my last post was on January 3. ha ha ha? what have i done? seems to be soooo freaking damn busy this year. but im not. hahahaha well,basically 2016 is such a challenging year for me. i got myself many kind of people,friends,problems,solutions,motivations and WALLAH! foods :)

im trying to flashback some of my memories during this year. isnt it interesting?! oh yas,it is. for an immature young lady like me. 


basically eating and sleeping. and Alhamdulillah gain some weight and money. own money. my-very-first-money. hell yeah,i tak pernah berkhidmat secara "sah" dalam memana industri sebelum ni. niat nak gain experience je,so i follow my friend to got myself a job at one chocolate factory. (not so chocolate factory actually) so uhm,work is tiring but worth every sweats yang jatuh uhuk ayattt~ the work is kinda easy actually,just tolong macam packing barang je. BUT not that easy cause u need to do it while standing !!! sokay,me and my friend kerja situ dalam berapa hari je dalam seminggu and tak sampai sebulan pun kerja dah kena kick dari group whatsapp kilang tu. hahahahaha it was fun and naughty. actually,kerja situ macam part time je pun. so memang layak la kena kick dengan supervisor sebab selalu tak bagi respond bila diperlukan. sorry not sorry hahahahaha.

sampai February camtu je kot kerja kat situ. lepas tu memang tak buat apapa dah. lesen pun dah dapat time tu. so duk rumah je sambil tunggu panggilan University memana (sangat!) no lah,ada la belajar masak sikit. gila hang duk rumah saja,nak kena luku?! so time tu la belajar ciri-ciri jadi perempuan sikit hahahahaha but still! i dont know how to cook curry like how my Ma did. FAILED! but at least im good at western cooking :)


well,NO. actually time tu keputusan kemasukan ke tingkatan 6 keluar dulu. kengkawan semua dah check,dapat satu sekolah. kinda nervous that evening,so i check mine. walaweiii! dapat jugak tapi tak sama sekolah dengan besties time spm :( soooo sad time tu but i believes in Him. i accepted the offer. continuing my studies in form 6! (ingatkan nak stay form 6 sementara tunggu result upu je,hehe tapi tak. kekal form 6 sampai sekarang hahahaha itulah orang cakap,jangan benci sangat.)  

dipendekkan cerita,time result upu keluar tu,aku pun check lah. tak dapat :) takpelah tu satu,ada hikmah katekoo,so proceed form 6 ler citernye. kengkawan banyak juga yang result bagus tapi tak dapat. heran akak. rezeki memasing,Allah swt dah aturkan elok dah tu. im happy with my life now. at least i still got a chance to continue my studies hehehe.


hahahahaha perlu ke soalan ni? MasyaAllah. hard to admit,well yes. i got one. malu lah nak cerita haih.okay lah,pasal crush tu next entry lah sambung. sampai sini saja hahahahaha. nerghhh, i dunno man,not tonight. no no,really not tonight. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


try to be MORE serious in a group discussion.

hahahaha k this is funny. i always got scolded by my friends during our group discussion. i dont know how to be serious. i always make them laugh like we almost out of the topic that we were currently discuss! im sorry guys hahahaha i just cant control myself but i will try. yup,never give up. but wait man,at least i created their smile. it works! :) 

such a proud dork i am....


aaahhh guys come on,its late. i guess my bed is calling already. hahahaha so yeah,im gonna stop here. dont worry,will continue doing this stuff again. In Shaa Allah after i got back from "somewhere" soon. hihihiks! ddaaa,thank you for reading~


p/s: may Allah swt blessed whatever you do :)


2017 GOALS

  • Reveal my online business
  • Fujifilm X-T10

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